
Commercial Goat Farming In India

Commercial goat farming in India is becoming very popular day by day. As goat farming is a proven highly profitable business idea so, the popularity of this business is increasing rapidly in India. It is also one of the finest and established livestock management department in the country. Goat farming business is one of the traditional occupations of some Indian people. It is also the only economic activity of some people of rural areas. Like poultry farming, goat farming business is also very profitable and can employ a large number of unemployed educated people. Which will help to eradicate unemployment problem from the country. Wish your happy goat farming business in India. Goat farming in India is a well-established, antiquated form of farming especially in places where dry land farming system is practiced. It is generally practiced by farmers who have a very small area of land for farming. Sometimes landless laborers also undertake goat farming since the risk, initial investments etc. are much lower than other forms of farming. Goats are hence rightly called as “poor man’s cow” since it has promises of good return that can serve as investment source.

India occupies first position in terms of goat population and milk production. Chevon (goat meat) is most preferred and widely consumed meat in the country. Since ancient times goat milk has traditionally been known for its medicinal properties and has recently gained importance in human health due to its proximity to human milk for easy digestibility and it‟s all round health promoting traits. Still research is needed to explore and validate medicinal properties of goat milk for projecting it as therapeutic milk for human health. Demand for goat milk and milk products for internal consumption and export is expected to rise in coming years. Goat husbandry provides glimpses of future hope for employment generation, nutritional security and prosperity to the millions of small and marginal farmers in the country.

There are some benefits of domestic or commercial goat farming. If you want to start goat farming business then you must read the benefits of raising goats. § Goats are multi purpose animal which can produce milk, meat, fiber, skin together. § Compared to cow and other livestock farming, goat farming requires less space and additional facilities. They have a less demand of housing and other management. In small scale production they are also able to share their homes with their owners and his/her other livestock. § Production costs like infrastructure, feeding and treatment are less. § You don’t have to think about marketing your farm products. Because there are already an established market in the country for marketing your products. § It is really very easy to maintain a goat farm compared to other farm animals. § Goats can adopt themselves with almost all types of agro-climatic conditions. And diseases are less in goats. § They are smaller in size but reach slaughter age faster. § Goat products like meat and milk has no religious taboo. And highly accepted for consumption throughout the world.